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Understanding IgAN with Dr Lerma
Understanding IgAN with Dr Lerma
Experienced nephrologist Dr Edgar Lerma explains the inner workings of IgAN, how it can affect the kidneys, and the importance of being transparent with your doctor.
This physician received compensation from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation for his time.
What Are the Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy (IgAN)
IgAN can start slowly, continuing to get worse even if you don’t feel unwell
In the early stages, IgAN doesn’t always cause symptoms, potentially leaving it unnoticed for years. When symptoms are present, they can include:
Dark-colored urine (possibly with blood)
Foamy urine
Swelling of the hands, feet, and/or legs
High blood pressure
Download our IgAN Symptoms & Struggles Tracker, which could help you make the most of your next appointment
Keep a record of your symptoms and bring the tracker with you to your next doctor’s appointment. It may come in handy when the doctor asks how you’re doing.
The cause of IgAN is a dysfunction in your immune system
Use our Productive Appointments Guide at your next appointment to help start a conversation
Knowing you have IgAN, but feeling powerless to stop it, can be upsetting. If this reflects your experience with IgAN, you are not alone. Tell your doctor how you feel.
How Is It Managed?
Your doctor may prescribe certain medications, such as:
Supportive care helps with symptoms or effects of the disease, but not the actual cause: the overactive complement system breaking down the C3 protein
Your doctor may also ask you to make some lifestyle changes to maintain your overall health
These may include: